How a Tibetan Turquoise Pendant Keeps Me Close to Home (Catapult)
In giving me her pendant, was my mother not only wishing me well on my journey but handing over our family’s story?
Family Connection in a Teapot (The New York Times)
My Tibetan family has a long history with tea. With many of us still largely sheltering in place because of the Covid-19 epidemic, now is an ideal moment to connect over a cup…
Tibetan Death Horoscopes, Mothers and Daughters, and Legacy-Breaking (Catapult)
Standing next to my mother, I watched the flames leap up around the coffin and thought about my grandmother’s body inside, the death horoscope next to it. Had my grandmother been fated to have an unresolved relationship with my mother because of her troubles with her stepmother? Was I doomed to follow the same pattern with my daughter and carry on a struggle that had endured over three generations?
What My Tibetan Grandmother Taught Me About Lasting Love (Catapult)
My grandmother planned never to marry. I first heard this in my twenties, when I stayed with her in Darjeeling after graduating from college. I wondered if, like me, she didn’t trust marriage. Having seen my parents and most of my friends’ parents divorce, I’d made a pact with myself: I would never marry; I’d live alone with a dog by the sea and write…
Mountains, Monasteries, and Myths: What I Discovered While Living in My Darjeeling Family Home (Catapult)
On a chilly Darjeeling morning, I sit in my grandmother’s living room. Billowy clouds sail past the 28,000-foot-high peaks of Mount Kanchenjunga, fifty miles distant as the crow flies. Sunlight spills through the lacy curtains, illuminating the thangka scroll paintings of the Buddha’s life that hang on the wooden walls.